Label: "food price"

July 09, 2024 08:52

Surprisingly large fall in Hungarian inflation

The overall picture is good, but on closer inspection the details are more nuanced

June 26, 2024 08:52

National Trade Association welcomes the phasing out of compulsory discounts

They look forward to launch discounts "more in line with consumer habits"

June 05, 2024 12:30

Six catering units down the drain every day in Hungary in 2023

Food is not a good business for everyone

April 11, 2024 08:49

March inflation data show a decline in line with analysts' expectations

However, the rest of the year might be about higher price increases

March 08, 2024 09:03

Disinflationary momentum persists in Hungary

February inflation figures also show a fall

bolt, kiskereskedelem, infláció, bevárlás, akció, élelmiszerinfláció
March 01, 2024 10:30

Hungarian food is significantly more expensive in Hungary than abroad - why?

In-depth analysis of domestic upward price effects

February 29, 2024 09:52

Bread prices in Hungary have seen a dizzying rise in recent years

The picture is shocking in both EU and regional comparisons

January 31, 2024 10:18

Impact of SZÉP cards in retail shops revealed

People could use the cards to buy cold food between August-December last year

bevasarlas zoldseg bolt szupermarket
November 23, 2023 08:40

Compulsory retail sales promotions extended until June 2024

In one fell swoop, together with the state of danger

nyugdíj idős öreg getty stock
September 11, 2023 09:06

Pensioners expect a 3.5-4% pension increase from the government in November

Consultative Council of Pensioners' Organisations reacts to the fresh KSH data

nyugdíjas infláció vásárlás
September 08, 2023 09:00

Hungary's inflation has fallen further but could disappoint many

A mixed bag of figures

September 04, 2023 10:00

Majority of Hungarians considered food price caps a bad idea by summer

...however, they are not against mandatory sales promotions, according to a recent surfvey

fagyi fagylalt fesztivál buli nyár
August 24, 2023 09:15

Solving the inflation mystery: are prices not rising so much in Hungary anymore?

We traced back the price levels

árfigyelő gvh nyitóoldal forrás Portfolio
August 09, 2023 10:50

Analyst: the official retail Price Monitor bears no relation to inflation data

Economists reacted to yesterday's inflation figures

August 08, 2023 11:30

The's inflation indicators also paint an encouraging picture

However we look at it, the basic processes are favourable

Nagy meglepetés az inflációban: óriási fordulat a hazai áremelkedésben!
August 08, 2023 10:17

Some great news on Hungarian inflation, we may start to breathe a sigh of relief

It is increasingly certain that annual inflation will fall below 10% by late autumn

shopping bevásárlás kiskereskedelem
July 27, 2023 09:50

End of the food price freeze means a surplus of HUF 12,400 per person on 4 basic foodstuffs

Calculated on average consumption, for 5 months

csirkemell élelmiszer
July 10, 2023 09:48

Prices of some foodstuffs could rise by 30-40% after the price freeze is lifted, expert says

Unless they are subject to compulsory promotion

árstop liszt kiskereskedelem
June 29, 2023 08:45

Hungarians already buy more price-capped foodstuffs

The hoarding starts to unfold, but no panic buying yet

infláció bevásárlókocsi
June 28, 2023 10:16

Hungarian government publishes details of the mandatory retail sales promotion

Prices of products will not be allowed to be higher than the purchase price even temporarily